Sunday, December 15, 2013

House Hunters vs. Real House Hunting - What You Should Expect in Your Home Buying Process

Many buyers enjoy watching real estate shows on HGTV and TLC (like "House Hunters", or "My First House").  Here are a few ways your real house hunting process may be different than what you see on TV.

1.  Your Process Isn't Under a 30 Minute Timeline

Shows like House Hunters display the entire process, from initial search to close, within their allotted episode time slots.  While most buyers certainly don't expect the process to be nearly THAT quick, there is often some anxiety about the length of the search process.

If you don't find you home on the first search, don't worry.  It's a totally normal part of the process.  You are absolutely able to look at more than 3 homes to make your decision, and sometimes it takes a good amount of time to understand the market around you!

2.  The Market Is Different in Every Location

If you watch an episode of a real estate house finding show, even if it is set in your area, try not to compare price information from the episode to your current situation.  The real estate market is an ever-shifting entity with many different contributing factors, which TV shows don't have the time to go in to.  Working with a real estate professional will help you fully understand what expectations you should have in your current market area.

3.  Real Estate Agents Should ALWAYS Be On Your Side

Sometimes real estate shows enjoy adding a little extra drama with an overly charismatic, outspoken, and/or opinionated real estate agent.  While this makes the TV process appear more interesting to a mass market, it isn't a great indication of a good real-life real estate agent that you should be working with.

Real estate agents are hired to represent you, the buyers, in the best of all possible lights.  Your interest is their interest.  If you suspect your agent has other plans, its time to find a new agent.

4.  Some Parts of the Process Aren't Shown On Screen

First time homebuyers are sometimes surprised by purchasing steps that aren't typically discussed on screen, such as getting a mortgage approval or having a home inspection.  These parts of the process are not particularly TV worthy, but they are essential to the process.

This is where having a knowledgeable real estate agent on your side is invaluable.  A real estate agent is an essential guide through the process, informing you while helping you achieve your goal of owning a home.

5.  You Won't Know Until You Look

Real estate shows are interesting, entertaining, and can provide some glances into the house hunting world.  The bottom line, however, is that you're not going to entirely know what the process looks and feels like until you're going through it yourself.

Go into your process with an open mind, free of expectations, and with the help of a skilled real estate agent, you will be able to discover real-world house hunting experience for yourself!

Are you starting your process?  Have questions?  Don't hesitate to send me an email or give me a call.

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